12 Days of Christmas - Starting December 1!

I announced on Instagram last week that Loper & Haas will be doing a '12 Days of Christmas' event starting on December first. 

Here's the details!

Each morning around 10am, I will post a new item to L&H's Instagram here. This item might be completely one of a kind, or it might be an existing pattern but in a limited colour way. The important thing to note here is, there will only be ONE of each piece posted during these 12 days! Each piece will be ready to ship, and will arrive in time for Christmas within North America (outside of Canada/US, I will do my best). The first person to email levi@loperandhaas.com will get to purchase the piece, and the price will be posted along with the item.

For 10% off and free North American shipping, repost any Loper & Haas picture to your feed starting today, tag @loperandhaas and #LH12daysofChristmas. Since you have to email to purchase an item, the discount will be taken at that time, and can be used on multiple items!

Good luck!